HEY! I’m Sarah, a proud lover of punchy slogans, plants and pugs (particularly my Norma Pancakes) and my dream baby boy Leo.
If you like to live your life in full colour then I - and all my goodies - want to roll with you!
It’s been quite the journey from being a nurse in England to a mama bear in Ottawa (with a few stops living in Dubai and Amsterdam along the way) but what has never changed is my love of making days that bit brighter and hearts that bit happier.
Fast forward a couple of years and throw in the P Word and my incredible baby boy Leo, and here we are ready for the launch of my own online store. There’s no time like the present and it’s been a real labour of love (I very nearly changed the name to whileleosleeps as that’s really when I’ve done this)
I adore creating joyful things, especially designing bright uplifting products. For me, there really is no better feeling than seeing something I’ve created proudly on your wall, water bottle, t shirt, shower curtain … the list goes on!
I’m honestly overjoyed that you are here and every single order really does make me do a little dance (sssh don’t wake Leo!)
If we’ve not already connected on Insta, find me over @sarahmarsh_art or see what’s new in the store here!
Sarah, Leo and Norma Pancakes